The bold, multi-starrer is set in the 80s' South-Indian film industry. Vidya's look and portrayal will surely give the tinsel town bombshells a run for their money. At the launch of The Dirty Picture trailer at Gaiety, Bandra, a suburban theatre in Mumbai, Vidya was asked how difficult it was to handle three men from different age groups off-screen and on. "Sone pe suhagaa, ek se mera kya hoga,"
Vidya was born in Palghat, Kerala, India. Her family consists of her dad, P.R. Balan, who is the Vice-President of ETC Channel; mom - a home-maker, and an elder sister, Priya, who is married to Kedar. She also has an aunt by the name of Raji Raju. Glamorous Balan is on a roll ever since the first look poster and teaser trailer of Ekta Kapoor‘s The Dirty Picture came out.
Vidya was born in Palghat, Kerala, India. Her family consists of her dad, P.R. Balan, who is the Vice-President of ETC Channel; mom - a home-maker, and an elder sister, Priya, who is married to Kedar. She also has an aunt by the name of Raji Raju. Glamorous Balan is on a roll ever since the first look poster and teaser trailer of Ekta Kapoor‘s The Dirty Picture came out.
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